Carnarvon Mural and Art trail

Carnarvon has some world class artists that continue to make this town a must visit location.  From massive murals that covers expansive walls, to small pieces of art to create a welcoming atmosphere. With stunning sculptures along the banks of the Fascine and in the main street. 

There is something to please everyone.

The Carnarvon Art Trail Guide is downloadable here or available at the Carnarvon Visitors Centre on the corner of Robinson St and Camel Lane.  

Carnarvon Murals and Art

One Mile Jetty & Camel Lane

Situated on the fascia of the Carnarvon Civic Centre, these murals depict the industry of One Mile Jetty, Robinson St and Camel Lane in the 1900's

Markham Boston 2002

Camel Lane 1900"s

One Mile Jetty 1900's

town clock

The Shire and the Carnarvon Lions Club commissioned the Town Clock to be constructed in the form of a windmill to honour our pastoralists. The commemorative plaque from the 1967 clock was gifted by the Lions Club and is now positioned by the Town Clock.

ArtSource 2017

Town Clock
Art Hub

The Community Art Hub invites everyone from the community to participate in activities, view or purchase amazing art and crafts. This is a space where the community can come together to craft, create, and connect.

Community Art Hub

This mural depicts the abundance this region has on offer. The mango tree represents gifts from the earth and the whale represents the gifts from the sea, with the roots of the tree signifying connection.

Miranda Plum 2021

Abumdance - Mural

Honouring Charles 'Smithy' Kingsford Smith, famed for mail runs and long-distance flights in the Southern Cross. Smithy called Carnarvon home from 1922 to 1926. He started Gascoyne Transport Company, later known as Gascoyne Trading Co. Smithy served in the RAAF in WW1 which led to ocean crossing flights till his death in 1935.

Warayute Bannatee

"Smithy"  Mural
Radio Waves

Radio Waves is symbolic of the radio waves of the systems of the Communications and Space Stations in the 1960 and 70's. Each station connected to space by radio waves, either tracking space craft, celestial objects like Halley’s Comet or communicating with the Apollo 11 team on the moon. Radio Waves is a practical work of art doubling as a bench seat and bike rack.

ArtSource 2017

Radio Waves - Public Art
Secret Garden

Markham Boston was commissioned to create this beautiful mural at Shelton’s Corner in 2010. Depicting a pathway through the old book shop into the secret garden at the rear of the building.

Markham Boston 2010

Secret Garden
Solar Eclipse

The Eclipse Sculpture depicts the vermilion glow around the shadow of the moon during totality in an eclipse. Installed in 2023. This sculpture is a remembrance of the 2023 Total Solar Eclipse.

Margaret Seaton 2023

Solar Eclipse - Public Art
Fascine Fishing

Elevated over the Fascine Town Beach this abstract representation of a fish suspended from massive fishing rod, casts a delicate light by night while lending itself for the perfect photo and reminiscence of the 'one that got away'.

ArtSource 2017

Fascine Fishing - Public Art

A stunning depiction of the marine life off our coast. Sadie has captured our gentle giants with elegance and style, Humpback Whales, Manta Rays and sea turtles.

Sadie James

Maritime - Mural
Connection to Country

An exceptionally stunning mural embodies connection of community to country. The realistic depictions of our unique wildlife, Dawsons Burrowing Bees and the handprints of local children and individuals making the connection to country visual.

Sadie James & Antoinette Roe

Connection To Country - Mural
GARLA - Welcome To Country

The five fire sticks, recognises the 5 language groups, the Yinggarda, Baiyungu, Malgana, Thadgari and Thalanyji of the Gascoyne region. Embodying the spirit of welcome from the timeless tradition of gathering around a campfire, this piece embodies a sense of friendliness representing the community's welcoming spirit.

ArtSource 2017

GARLA - Weclcome to Country - Public Art

A delightful piece that honours the medical fraternity from the past and showcases some landmark buildings down Robinson Street.

Warayute Bannatee

Medicine - Mural

Depicting the history of Carnarvon from first nation people to the Moon landing in 1969. The clay tiles at the beginning and the end a contribution of the children of Carnarvon.

Neverending Designs 2017

Carnarvon - Mural
Outback Floral

Talk about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees. This stunning mural is the shop front of Outback Floral Designs.

Meraki Boho 2024

Outback Floral - Mural
Carnarvon Library and Art Gallery

Carnarvon Library and Art Gallery is our towns state of the art gallery. Exhibitions are held continuously throughout the year from far and wide. Check the website to see what's on while you're here.

Carnarvon Library & Art Gallery - Art Gallery
Welcome to Country

This stunning mural on the front wall of the Shire building with its muted tones speak loudly of the beauty that this region beholds. Welcome to Country honours our people, past, present and emerging, and shows the love our community has for this country we call home.

Naomi McMahon and Friends 2024

Welcome to Country - Mural
The Pastoralist

This iron silhouette of a postoralist is a reflection on the beginnings of this region's establishment by Europeans. Sitting in the shade with the circles representing the water and crops.

ArtSource 2017

The Pastoralist - Public Art
Airport Mural

Welcoming visitors to Carnarvon, this mural speaks to what Carnarvon has to offer. The beautiful waters of the Indian Ocean and its incredible marine life that visit us throughout the year.

Miranda Plum and Sobrane 2021

Airport Mural

Armour is the story of the Cicada coming out of the ground, shedding its armour and the ongoing cycle of life in replacing your armour.

Miranda Plum 2022

Armour - Mural
Don't Look At The Islands

This statue acknowledges the heartache and pain that the Lock Hospitals of Dorre and Bernier Island's hold. Don't Look At The Islands is a healing memorial or the families of those lost to the islands.

Smith Sculptors 2019

Don't Look At The Islands - Public Art
Gwoonwardu Mia

Gwoonwardu Mia, Aboriginal Cultural Centre is a piece of art in itself. Constructed in a representation of water and meeting place. This incredible building is the art gallery and cultural centre for the five first nation groups that call the Gascoyne home. It is a must visit and experience.

Gwoonwardu Mia - Aboriginal Cultural Centre - Art Gallery
Lest We Forget

A moving tribute to our service men and women past, present, and future.

“As with the going down of the Sun we shall remember them”.

Situated on the western all of the Pilbara Regiment Barracks who serve 1.8 Million square kilometres of Western Australia

Miranda Plum

Lest We Forget - Mural
To Serve and Protect

This beautiful mural tells the story of our service men and women of the Pilbara Regiment and Reservist from Carnarvon and the Gascoyne region. The rich earthy tones are synonymous with this country. The silhouette and sketched images of the service personnel at work.

Miranda Plum

To Serve and Protect - Mural