

Are you a local business, non-government agency, or organisation? Become a member of the Carnarvon Visitors Centre and reap the benefits.

Visitor Centres play a vital role in the tourism industry. Research conducted by Tourism Research Australia and Tourism Western Australia, carried out by Metrix Consulting, reveals Visitor Centres provide unrivalled information to visitors, encouraging them to do more and stay longer. This means visitors spend more and create more jobs in the region they visit.

The main findings of the research are:

  • Nearly all (95%) Visitor Centre users believe the Centre is an important part of their overall visitor experience;
  • A majority of Visitor Centre users (87%) know more about things to see and do in the location;
  • Most users (84%) indicate the Visitor Centre had a positive influence on how they view the location;
  • Most users heard about and decided to participate in activities as a result of visiting a centre.
  • Of users, 74% found out about an activity from the centre, while 70% organised to participate in an activity as a result of their visit to the centre.
Why should you become a member?
  • Invest in the marketing and promotion of Carnarvon and Coral Bay.
  • The opportunity to be part of a robust regional business network promoting the aspirations of the local tourism industry community.
  • Increased awareness, understanding, and knowledge of projects and activities in the region through regular communications and functions.
  • Collaborative marketing opportunities to further promote your own business.
  • Opportunities to be represented at both trade and consumer initiatives.
  • Marketing opportunities through the visitor centre, website, and other key publications such as consumer and trade newsletters produced by the association.

Take a look at our Membership prospectus and come on back and complete the form.  You will not regret it!

Please complete this online form to become a member.  For more information call the Visitors Centre or 9941 1146 or call in to see our Tourism Officers at Carnarvon Visitor Centre, 21 Robinson St.  On the corner of Camel Lane in the Civic Centre Complex. 

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