Every Saturday morning from May to October the Carnarvon town centre comes alive with the Gascoyne Growers’ Markets.
The market is run by the growers themselves, who often pick their produce the night before the market (sometimes even that very morning) to ensure you take home the freshest, tastiest produce in WA. A visit to the markets makes it very clear why the Gascoyne has the well earned reputation of being the “Food Bowl of WA”. From fresh asparagus to grapefruit and a wide range of herbs there is a diverse range of fruit and vegetables, lush tropical fruits, eggs and seafood on offer.
Fill your basket then grab a serious bean coffee or a bacon & egg brioche, listen to the buskers, or browse through the adjacent Courtyard Craft Market. The Gascoyne Growers Markets are proudly plastic bag free, so please remember to BYO bag.